Hello! I'm Nikolai Truan, founder of Benjamin Bunnies. I've been a bunny lover since I was born, and I've raised bunnies since 2016. Our bunnies are the most social, sweet babies this side of the Mississippi, and we can't wait for you to adopt a sweet companion, pet, or emotional support animal. Whichever it may be, we are here to provide you a truly special bunny!
My first bunny was a super soft, super sweet Rex doe named Honey. She lived with me for several years, and sadly went to another pet home when I began breeding Dutch bunnies. I got my first Dutch bunnies at the end of sixth grade, with the adventurous names of Eyeshadow and Cutie Pie. They were my dream, and the best companions. Their babies went to pet homes where they could be loved by others as much as I loved them. Finally, in 2020, I began researching Holland Lops as a potential breeding option. The more I saw their chubby faces looking pleadingly up at me from my laptop, the more I fell in love! At last, after a lot of research, time, and building, I found my first Holland Lop - Ella. She was my pet for a few years until I at last found Bella, my first Holland brood doe, and Benji, my first boy. They gave me a gorgeous litter that I'll never forget. Unfortunately, Bella passed away shortly after her litter due to complications, but Benji has retired to a pet home and is living his best life! His name inspired Benjamin Bunnies and he is the foundation of what we breed for - a relaxed, fun, mellow temperament and stunning colors.
our story
over the years...