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frequently asked questions
How can we contact you?
Phone: 865.228.5779 (texts or calls. If we don't pick up, please leave a detailed voicemail about what you are looking for.)
You can also contact us through Wix (by turning in our adoption form, linked here.)
How is Benjamin Bunnies different from any other bunny breeder?
We specialize in socializing our babies from day one. Very few breeders, if any, take this into consideration, seeing bunnies as 'starter pets' or 'Easter gifts,' like the bunnies sold at pet stores or feed shops. These names aren't appropriate labels for bunnies, who live for 8-12 years and are the same amount of maintenance as a cat. Instead of labeling our bunnies as 'starter pets,' we call them 'lifelong companions' and 'best friends for life.' We are different because we consider our bunnies members of the family until they go to their new families, and we treat them like they're our babies. Every baby is special to us in a unique way, and we never forget a baby we raise. That's why we ask that you send updates periodically - we love and care about every single baby!
How do I adopt a bunny from you?
Please read our adoption process page here.
Are your bunnies litter trained?
Yes! All of our bunnies are mostly, if not completely, litter trained once they reach 8 weeks. Please keep in mind that transitioning to a new environment means they will need some grace when it comes to training, but they will pick it back up very quickly after moving.
How are your bunnies priced?
We price our bunnies based on eye color, coat color, and type (aka the standard of perfection from the American Rabbit Breeders Association.)
How are your bunnies raised?
Click here to read an in-depth description of our bunnies' upbringing and our socialization program!
Do you offer lifetime support, and if so, what is that?
Yes, we offer lifetime support. This means that if you ever have to rehome your bunny, we will gladly take it back into our care given that it is healthy, as per the contract we have each adoptive family sign at pickup.
Do you offer shipping?
We will ship bunnies from Tennessee to other states via Alaska Airlines, who has a great shipping process. They sometimes have a shipping embargo enacted over certain months of the year, so please note this if you're considering this option. This is an expensive option, however - the costs are typically as follows.
FDA-Approved Carrier: $60
Vet Certificate of Health: $150-200
Plane Ticket: $372-450
Food Bowl and Waterbottle for Plane Ride: $20-35
Bunny Adoption Fee - $300-350
Total: approx. $902-$1,095
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